Global Mapper
15 November 2010
Global Mapper is more than just a viewer capable of displaying the most popular raster, elevation and vector datasets. It converts, edits, prints, tracks GPS and allows you to utilize GIS functionality on your datasets in one low-cost and easy-to-use software package. Global Mapper also includes the ability to directly access multiple online sources of imagery, topographic maps, and gridded terrain data. This includes access to worldwide high resolution color imagery from DigitalGlobe (watermarked access for free) and access to the entire TerraServer-USA database of USGS satellite imagery and topographic maps free-of-charge. Global Mapper also has the ability to easily access WMS data sources, including built-in access to elevation data and color imagery for the entire world, and to view elevation data in true 3D with any loaded raster imagery and vector data draped on top of it!
Significant New Features
o Added built-in access to the NAIP color high-resolution imagery for the entire United States via the File->Download Online Imagery/Data menu command.
o Added built-in access to the ASTER GDEM terrain data at 1.5 arc second (~45m) resolution for the entire world via the File->Download Online Imagery/Data menu command.
o Added built-in access to premium Parcel data for the entire US via the File->Download Online Imagery/Data menu command.
o Added support for automatically delineating stream networks and watershed areas using loaded terrain/DEM data using the File->Generate Watershed menu command.
Download Here
Significant New Features
o Added built-in access to the NAIP color high-resolution imagery for the entire United States via the File->Download Online Imagery/Data menu command.
o Added built-in access to the ASTER GDEM terrain data at 1.5 arc second (~45m) resolution for the entire world via the File->Download Online Imagery/Data menu command.
o Added built-in access to premium Parcel data for the entire US via the File->Download Online Imagery/Data menu command.
o Added support for automatically delineating stream networks and watershed areas using loaded terrain/DEM data using the File->Generate Watershed menu command.
Download Here
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