How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay: 30 Essays That Won Over $3 Million in Scholarships-Mantesh

24 Februari 2011

How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay: 30 Essays That Won Over $3 Million in Scholarships

Publisher: SuperCollege LLC
Gen and Kelly Tanabe
ISBN: 1932662375
Pages: 256
12.5 MB

Examining the two basic components of scholarship competition - essays and interviews - this vital guidebook offers practical advice and real-life examples to guide students through the entire application process. A roundtable panel of judges and applicants supply inside information regarding the winning qualities sought after by award-giving organisations and tips for finding scholarships by using books, the internet, personal connections, and sources in the community. With insight into the judges' criteria for a successful application, 30 previously awarded scholarship essays are thoroughly analysed, from choice of topic to writing style. Revealing unique strategies for preparation and overcoming nervousness, this definitive resource also includes sample interview questions and answers.............
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